Modifying Horizon View Federated Pod objects

In this recipe, we will review how to modify various objects within a Federated Pod after they have been deployed. The objects include pods, global entitlements, and sites.

Getting ready

Multiple commands exist for modifying objects in a Federated Pod. Using these commands, we can make changes to the items we created earlier in this chapter.

To modify objects in a Horizon View Federated Pod, command-line access to one of the Connection Servers in the federated pod is required.

How to do it...

In this section, we will demonstrate several different commands that are used to modify the configuration of a Federated Pod.

Modifying Horizon View pods

The following command-line switches are used to update the configuration of a pod within a federated pod. The primary command-line switch that must be used to update the global entitlement is --updatePod, to which you add any additional switches that you might need. The following command is an example of how the --updatePod command-line option is used:

  • lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --updatePod --podName "name" --newPodName "newName"

Modifying a Horizon View global entitlement

The following command-line switches are used to update a global entitlement after it has been created. The primary command-line switch that must be used to update the global entitlement is --updateGlobalEntitlement, to which you add any additional switches that you might need. The following command is an example of how the --updateGlobalEntitlement command-line option is used:

  • lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --updateGlobalEntitlement --entitlementName "name" --enabled

Modifying Horizon View sites

The following command-line switches are used to update the configuration of a site within a federated pod. The primary command-line switch that must be used to update the global entitlement is --editSite, to which you add any additional switches that you might need. The following command is an example of how the --editSite command-line option is used:

  • lmvutil.cmd --authAs user --authDomain domain --authPassword password --editSite --siteName "name" --newSiteName "newName"

How it works...

The following is a list of the lmvutil.cmd command-line switches, and the accompanying description, that were used in this section to modify objects in a Horizon View Federated Pod: