What this book covers

Chapter 1, C++17 Features, explains the new features of C++17 and features that have been removed. It also demonstrates key C++17 features with easy-to-understand examples.

Chapter 2, Standard Template Library, gives an overview of STL, demonstrates various containers and iterators, and explains how to apply useful algorithms on the containers. The chapter also touches on the internal data structures used and their runtime efficiencies.

Chapter 3, Template Programming, gives an overview of generic programming and its benefits. It demonstrates writing function templates and class templates, and overloading function templates. It also touches upon writing generic classes, explicit class specializations, and partial specializations.

Chapter 4, Smart Pointers, explains the issues of using raw pointers and motivates the use of smart pointers. Gradually, this chapter introduces you to the usage of auto_ptr, unique_ptr, shared_ptr, and weak_ptr, and explains ways to resolve cyclic dependency issues.

Chapter 5, Developing GUI Applications in C++, gives an overview of Qt and provides you with step-by-step instructions to install Qt on Linux and Windows. The chapter gradually helps you develop impressive GUI applications with interesting widgets and various layouts. 

Chapter 6, Multithreaded Programming and Inter-Process Communication, introduces to the POSIX pthreads library and discusses the native C++ thread library. It also discusses the benefits of using the C++ thread library. Later, it helps you write multithreaded applications, explores ways to manage the threads, and explains the use of synchronization mechanisms. The chapter discusses deadlocks and possible solutions. Toward the end of the chapter, it introduces you to the concurrency library.

Chapter 7, Test-Driven Development, gives a brief overview of TDD and clarifies FAQs on TDD. This chapter provides you with step-by-step instructions to install Google test framework and integrate it with the Linux and Windows platforms. It helps you develop applications using TDD with an easy-to-understand tutorial style.

Chapter 8, Behavior-Driven Development, gives an overview of BDD and guides you through the installation, integration, and configuration of the Cucumber framework on Linux platforms. It also explains Gherkin and helps you write BDD test cases.

Chapter 9, Debugging Techniques, discusses the various strategies and techniques followed in the industry for debugging your application problems. Later, it helps you understand the use of the GDB and Valgrind tools for step by step debugging, watching variables, fixing various memory-related issues, including memory leaks.

Chapter 10, Code Smells and Clean Code Practices, discusses various code smells and refactoring techniques.