About the reviewer

Todd Zebert is a full stack web developer, currently at Miles.
He has been a technical reviewer for a number of books and videos, is a frequent presenter at conferences on JavaScript, Drupal, and related technologies, and has a technology blog on Medium.
Todd has a diverse background in technology including infrastructure, network engineering, PM, and IT leadership. He started in web development with the original Mosaic browser.
Todd is an entrepreneur and part of the LA startup community. He's a believer in volunteering, open source, Maker/STEM/STEAM, and contributing back.

I’d like to thank the JavaScript community, especially the Node and Angular communities, and also the Drupal community.

Finally, I’d like to thank my teen son, Alec, with whom I get to share an interest in technology and science with, while doing Maker-ish things together, with microcontrollers and other electronics.