
The United Nation’s health-related sustainable development goals(SDGs)and the government’s Healthy China 2030 are bold political declarations that show top leadership’s commitments both globally and within China to transform the way we think about health as a lever to sustainable development.
Not only do these commitments establish a set of bold and ambitious targets to achieve by 2030 but they are also a clear testimony that health is no longer delegated solely to ministries of health. Only with the involvement of the whole-of-government working together with communities can we successfully tackle health challenges.
Like the SDGs and Healthy China 2030,the WHO 13th General Programme of Work(GPW)is an ambitious call to transform the role of the WHO,and the health of the world’s population. It recognizes the interdependence of health and other elements of development,as embodied in the SDGs,and argues for collaborative working to achieve the "triple billion" goals.
In the spirit of the SDGs and Healthy China 2030,this publication is a multidisciplinary effort led by Duke Global Health Institute. It takes a deep dive into current progress towards achieving these targets in China,analyzes what gaps remain to achieve global and country targets by 2030,and provides evidence-based policy options for action.
The overarching message of the report balances progress(e.g. maternal and child health,child nutrition,among others)with daunting challenges in the control and care of NCDs,mental health and some infectious diseases(e.g. hepatitis,and MDR-TB). Poor control of health risk factors,such as smoking,excess alcohol use,obesity,and worsening environmental threats have posed difficulties in further improving the health of China population. In addition,geographical disparities and inefficient health systems in China remain a barrier to tackling these health challenges.
The report highlights the links between health and socio-economic development and presents a set of evidence-based policy options that requires the integration of health with other areas of development. This shows vision that will directly impact around a fifth of the world’s population.However,for this to happen,leadership is key.
To this end,we should look at innovative ways for leadership to embrace health as part of governance:urban health could represent an opportunity to embed health in the performance framework and have municipal leadership held accountable for health progress by 2030(when 67% of Chinese population is estimated to be living in urban areas).
At the same time,China should also make full use of its unique technological advancements to reach vulnerable groups and geographically hard-to-reach areas. A population of 750 M mobile users could be the agents of change to truly guide behavioral shifts that are much needed to tackle the NCD epidemic-one of the daunting challenges to reach universal health coverage. Technological advancements should be used to bring needed services where the people are.
The role that China can play should not be confined to domestic borders. The report highlights success stories and progress in terms of selected health indicators. Best practices from China could be used to even out development in other areas of the country but they can also be used to promote health as part of Chinese investment in the Belt and Road Initiative(BRI).
The interdependence between health and development means that economic investment as part of BRI should leverage health benefits and the BRI should spearhead this approach. By doing so,China’s contribution to the achievement to the SDGs would have a much bigger outreach and scope.
The direction is set. Moving from commitment to action will require leadership and change. We should use the report to assess where changes are most needed and act upon them. At every level,from the top leadership to the individual,let’s play our part to move from commitment to action for a healthier China.
Dr. Gauden Galea
WHO Representative in China