2 Normative References

The following references are essential to this Specification.While for those with date noted,only their revisions noted with date shall be applicable to this Specification and for those without date noted,their latest revisions(including their all amendments)shall be applicable to this Specification:

GB 150 Steel Pressure Vessels

GB 151 Tubular Heat Exchangers

GB 755 Rotating Electrical Machines-Rating and Performanceidt IEC 60034)

GB 3836.1 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres-Part 1:General Requirementseqv IEC 60079-0:1998)

GB 3836.2 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres-Part 2:Flameproof"d"eqv IEC 60079-1:1990)

GB 3836.3 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres-Part 3:Increased Safety"e"eqv IEC 60079-7:1990)

GB 3836.14 Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres-Part 14:Classification of Hazardous Areasidt IEC 60079-10:1995)

GB/T 6402-2008 Steel Forgings-Method for Ultrasonic Testing

GB/T 9115 Steel Pipe Welding Neck Flanges

GB/T 12241-2005 Safety Valves-General requirements

GB/T 12242-2005 Performance Test Code-Pressure Relief Devices

GB/T 12243-2005 Spring Loaded Safety Valves

GB/T 12667-1990 General Code for Excitation Assembly with Semiconductors for Synchronous Motors

GB/T 13957-2008 Technical Requirements for Fundamental Series of Three-phase Large Asynchronous Motor

GBZ/T 189.8-2007 Measurement of Physical Agents in Workplace Noise

HG/T 20615-2009 Steel Pipe FlangesClass designated

JB/T 6908-2006 Steel Forgings for Displacement Compressors

JB/T 9020-1999 Ultrasonic Examination of Large Forged Crankshafts

SH 3406-1996 Steel Pipe Flanges for Petrochemical Industry

TSG D0001-2009 Pressure Pipe Safety Technology Supervision Regulation for Industrial Pressure Pipe

TSG R0004-2009 Supervision Regulation on Safety Technology for Stationary Pressure Vessel

TSG ZF001-2009 Safety Technical Supervision Regulations for Safety Valve

IECEx 01 IEC Scheme for Certification to Standards for Electrical Equipment for Explosive AtmospheresIECEx Scheme)—Basic Rules

IECEx 02 IEC Scheme for Certification to Standards for Electrical Equipment for Explosive AtmospheresIECEx Scheme-Rules of Procedure

IEC 60034 Rotating Electrical Machineseries standards

API RP 520 PartⅠ SizingSelectionand Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in RefineriesPartSizing and Selection

API RP 520 PartⅡ SizingSelectionand Installation of Pressure-Relieving Devices in RefineriesPartInstallation

API Std 526-2009 Flanged Steel Pressure Relief Valves

API Std 541-2004 Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-500 Horsepower and Larger

API Std 546-2008 Brushless Synchronous Machines-500 kVA and Larger

API Std 547-2005 General-Purpose Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors-250 Horsepower and Larger

API Std 613-2003 Special Purpose Gear Units for PetroleumChemical and Gas Industry Services

API Std 614-2008 LubricationShaft-Sealing and Oil-Control Systems and Auxiliaries

API Std 618-2007 Reciprocating Compressors for PetroleumChemical and Gas Industry Services

API Std 660 Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

API Std 677-2006 General-Purpose Gear Units for PetroleumChemical and Gas Industry Services

ASMEⅧ-2010 Boiler and Pressure Vessel CodeSectionⅧ,Rules for Construction of Pressure Vessels

ASME B16.1 Gray Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsClass 25,125 and 250

ASME B16.5-2009 Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsNPS 1/2 through NPS 24

ASME B16.42 Ductile Iron Pipe Flanges and Flanged FittingsClass 150 and 300

ASME B16.47-2008 Large Diameter Steel FlangesNPS 26 through NPS 60

ASME B31.3-2006 Process Piping

NFPA Std 70-2011 National Electrical Code,500,501,502 and 504

TEMA Std-2007 Standards of the Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association