QGIS 2 Cookbook
Alex Mandel Víctor Olaya Ferrero Anita Graser Alexander Bruy更新时间:2021-07-16 11:13:24
QGIS 2 Cookbook
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Chapter 1. Data Input and Output
Finding geospatial data on your computer
Describing data sources
Importing data from text files
Importing KML/KMZ files
Importing DXF/DWG files
Opening a NetCDF file
Saving a vector layer
Saving a raster layer
Reprojecting a layer
Batch format conversion
Batch reprojection
Loading vector layers into SpatiaLite
Loading vector layers into PostGIS
Chapter 2. Data Management
Joining layer data
Cleaning up the attribute table
Configuring relations
Joining tables in databases
Creating views in SpatiaLite
Creating views in PostGIS
Creating spatial indexes
Georeferencing rasters
Georeferencing vector layers
Creating raster overviews (pyramids)
Building virtual rasters (catalogs)
Chapter 3. Common Data Preprocessing Steps
Converting points to lines to polygons and back – QGIS
Converting points to lines to polygons and back – SpatiaLite
Converting points to lines to polygons and back – PostGIS
Cropping rasters
Clipping vectors
Extracting vectors
Converting rasters to vectors
Converting vectors to rasters
Building DateTime strings
Geotagging photos
Chapter 4. Data Exploration
Listing unique values in a column
Exploring numeric value distribution in a column
Exploring spatiotemporal vector data using Time Manager
Creating animations using Time Manager
Designing time-dependent styles
Loading BaseMaps with the QuickMapServices plugin
Loading BaseMaps with the OpenLayers plugin
Viewing geotagged photos
Chapter 5. Classic Vector Analysis
Selecting optimum sites
Dasymetric mapping
Calculating regional statistics
Estimating density heatmaps
Estimating values based on samples
Chapter 6. Network Analysis
Creating a simple routing network
Calculating the shortest paths using the Road graph plugin
Routing with one-way streets in the Road graph plugin
Calculating the shortest paths with the QGIS network analysis library
Routing point sequences
Automating multiple route computation using batch processing
Matching points to the nearest line
Creating a routing network for pgRouting
Visualizing the pgRouting results in QGIS
Using the pgRoutingLayer plugin for convenience
Getting network data from the OSM
Chapter 7. Raster Analysis I
Using the raster calculator
Preparing elevation data
Calculating a slope
Calculating a hillshade layer
Analyzing hydrology
Calculating a topographic index
Automating analysis tasks using the graphical modeler
Chapter 8. Raster Analysis II
Calculating NDVI
Handling null values
Setting extents with masks
Sampling a raster layer
Visualizing multispectral layers
Modifying and reclassifying values in raster layers
Performing supervised classification of raster layers
Chapter 9. QGIS and the Web
Using web services
Using WFS and WFS-T
Searching CSW
Using WMS and WMS Tiles
Using WCS
Using GDAL
Serving web maps with the QGIS server
Scale-dependent rendering
Hooking up web clients
Managing GeoServer from QGIS
Chapter 10. Cartography Tips
Using Rule Based Rendering
Handling transparencies
Understanding the feature and layer blending modes
Saving and loading styles
Configuring data-defined labels
Creating custom SVG graphics
Making pretty graticules in any projection
Making useful graticules in printed maps
Creating a map series using Atlas
Chapter 11. Extending QGIS
Defining custom projections
Working near the dateline
Working offline
Using the QspatiaLite plugin
Adding plugins with Python dependencies
Using the Python console
Writing Processing algorithms
Writing QGIS plugins
Using external tools
Chapter 12. Up and Coming
Preparing LiDAR data
Opening File Geodatabases with the OpenFileGDB driver
Using Geopackages
The PostGIS Topology Editor plugin
The Topology Checker plugin
GRASS Topology tools
Hunting for bugs
Reporting bugs
更新时间:2021-07-16 11:13:24